Naomie's Home Recipes: Taco Maximization

Friday, March 6, 2009

Taco Maximization

This is a quick reference to basic ways people enhance Mexican food, including: refried beans, rice, salsa and nacho sauce. I like to keep things simple, yet there are a couple recipes that may require some cooking skill.

Ingredients for Refried Beans:
2 Cups of Pinto Beans
1 Teaspoon of Salt
2 Dashes of Hot Sauce
3 Cups of Water
1/2 Cup of Milk
1 Cup of Chopped Onions
1 Small Chili
1/2 Cup of Canola Oil
2 Thick Slices of Ham

There are two ways of preparing refried beans: the easy way and the authentic way. In the easy way buy a can of refried beans and cook it on the stove with one tablespoon of canola oil, a half cup of milk, and couple slice of cheddar cheese. Stir it a couple of times and you are done.

Making refried beans from "scratch" takes much longer. First boil the beans with a teaspoon of salt. Cover the beans with water and heat them on high and when it comes to a boil turn the heat off and let them stand for fifteen minutes. Rinse beans with cold water while using a strainer. This is an important step. Rinsing beans with cold water takes away all of the red dye and excess dirt.

Setting the beans to the side gives me time to clean the pot and use it to completely cook the beans. Set the pot back onto the stove and heat it to medium. Add the oil and onions. Let the onions cook until clear. Chop up slices of ham and chili. Then add all ingredients. Consider how much you like spicy food when adding chili. Use more or less depends on your tastes.

Bring everything to a boil and then turn the heat to medium-low. Sometimes it can take three hours to cook beans. Check the beans every hour and try to crush them with a potato masher. If they do not fall apart add more water, bring to a boil and lower the heat again. When they are ready beans fall apart when stirred.

Ingredients for Rice:
1 Tablespoon Butter
1/4 Cup Chopped Onion
1/4 Cup Chopped Green Pepper
1 Chopped Tomato
Chicken Bouillon

Get a pan with a high edge or a medium sized pot. Heat the pan on medium-low and add butter. Chop onion and green pepper. When the butter has melted add onions and green pepper to the pan. Chop tomato so it is ready to add when onions look cloudy. Now follow the directions for cooking two servings of rice. Substitute water for chicken bouillon. They all cook together making a wonderful take on Spanish rice. Refer to "Bite Sized Meats" if you want to add chicken.

Ingredients for Salsa:
1 Finely Diced Onion
2 Finely Diced Tomatoes
Pinch of Salt
Dash of Cheyenne Pepper
1 Tablespoon of Chopped Cilantro
1 Teaspoon of Thyme
1 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice

This style of salsa is easy to make. Drop all of the ingredients into an air proof container. Close the lid and shake it until well blended. Stir it with a fork to make sure none of the spices clump together. Chill it in the refrigerator for three hours. It can be stored for up to a week.

Ingredients for Nacho Sauce:
1 Tablespoon Butter
1 Cups of Milk
1 Tablespoons of Cornstarch
1 Cup of Diced Sharp Cheddar

Preheat a saucepan on the stove over medium heat and add butter. While the pot is preheating whisk the milk and cornstarch together in a bowl with a fork. Stir it enough so the cornstarch stops sticking to the bottom. Pour mixture it into a saucepan.

Give it a minute to heat and add cheese. Stir frequently until the cheese has melted and a couple of bubbles pop on the surface of the sauce. Turn burner off. Remove the pot from heat. Let it set for five to ten minutes. Stir it before serving and it is ready to eat.

This covers the basic add-ons I like on Mexican food. After trying out several ways of making guacamole, I found slices of avocado with sour cream are satisfying and accomplishes the effect of guacamole. Not everything has to be complicated.

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