Naomie's Home Recipes: Active Person's Consumption

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Active Person's Consumption

Offset calories burned by eating. The modern world is perplexing. Daily activity was reduced to sleeping, driving, reading, typing and preparing meals. Basic functions: blinking, breathing, walking, thinking and heart beating consumes calories; therefore, there is a basic amount of food a person must consume everyday even when resting. People are eating lower calorie meals in order to eat more, yet a person in physically demanding occupations or physically active hobbies want more calories to compensate activity.

Maintain vigor and replenish energy people should have a minimum workout. Older food and water needs to be excreted before it becomes toxic. This is why regular exercise and water is the best way to prevent disease. Moving the entire body every day trains reflexes, coordination, muscles and dexterity by keeping activities fresh in the mind, making regular movement easier. Often thinking of the body as how the brain gets to where it needs to be, I want my body to be refreshed and clean.

Replenishing is important. Exercise forces the heart to beat faster, lungs to oxygenate and organs to dispose of waste product. We need oxygen. When it becomes carbon dioxide it is disposed of before becoming deadly. Food and drink are similar. Older chemically altered food and water are forced out. Movement encourages toxins to leave through breath, perspiration, bladder or intestines. Without movement, assisted by water, toxins remain in the tissue.

Know how to offset exercise with calorie intake. The Calorie Counter is quick and easy. It immediately identifies how many calories a person should consume in order to become their ideal weight. Testing it out, it seemed to be on the high side. Every person is unique. These numbers are approximate; therefore, it is okay to enter slightly higher or lower target weight, within a hundred calories. This is a daily calorie count.

Part of using the Calorie Calculator is finding a realistic desired weight. Diet is a way of life. A person's lifestyle determines an eventual weight. Weight range is determined by statistics of healthy individual's height, age and gender. Enter the ideal weight into the calculator to establish how many calories to consume each day. Body builders eat the same amount as someone in their ideal weight range even though muscle weighs more and their true target weight is much higher. The system of health is more important than the weight.

An active person eats two or three times more than in inactive person to stay healthy. People working in a warehouse and athletes are burning a lot of calories everyday. Even a health enthusiast tacks burns an excess amount of calories in a week. This is how athletes drink 2,000 calories in health shakes and then eat steak and potatoes.

Denatured vitamins and health drinks do not provide the same nutrients as real food. Vitamins are denatured, dehydrated, to fit into a convenient pill or powder. Dehydration often permanently destroys chemical bonds like amino acids and proteins in organic food; however, minerals are often covalent and remain the same regardless. (Chromium, iodide and other chemicals remain the same.) Though healthier and more effective to eat fresh or frozen supplements can be adequate; however, they should only be a quarter of a daily diet.

A person with a light workout should probably avoid anything besides standard daily multivitamin. A person who is constantly active may add health bars, shakes or supplements to their diet. Remember that these do not replace real food. The goal is to be healthy, not just thin.

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External Link
Calorie Counter

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